a fundamentally different approach to

Accelerate Your Art Career…

a fundamentally different approach to

Accelerate Your Art Career…

a fundamentally different approach to

Accelerate Your Art Career…

Curiosity Cocktails MindMap

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Curiosity Cocktails 

ArtLife Community

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Scroll past our MindMap for details.

Otherwise, just dive into a conversation lounge here in our Mindmap!


New Members, before anything else, set up your profile so we get, and keep, our “community” feel.

Option #1: Click on your username as it shows up in the far, upper-right corner of this screen.
This should take you straight to your profile page where you can set everything up by going through the menu options (Profile Photo & Cover Image, My Bio, etc.).

When you’re finished, click on our MindMap menu button to come back here and find a conversation that lights up your curiosity cocktail.

Option #2:
1. Click here -> Fellow Members  (Your profile always shows up on top; followed by your fellow members.)
2. Click on your profile “box” to go to your profile page.
3. Set up different sections of your profile by following the menu options at the top: Profile Photo & Cover Image, My Bio,
4. When you’re finished, click on our MindMap menu button to find a conversation.
5. To return to your profile, click on the username you set up to register (upper right corner of any page)

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