a fundamentally different approach to

Accelerate Your Art Career…

a fundamentally different approach to

Accelerate Your Art Career…

a fundamentally different approach to

Accelerate Your Art Career…

The Slippery Slope of Artist Statements

The Slippery Slope of Artist Statements

Ariane Goodwin Slippery Slope of Artist StatementsWhen you’ve read as many truly awful artist statements as I have, it begins to dawn on you that maybe, just maybe, the problem starts at the very beginning, before sliding down the slippery slope of awfulness.

What if accurately defining an artist statement was the first step, the very first step in writing a compelling, engaging statement that truly caught the attention of your viewers instead of making them yawn?

Deciding what an artist statement is, to some extent, depends on… (more…)

The Slippery Slope of Artist Statements

What do You do When Grief Takes Over?

I remember when my mother was dying. I was getting ready for my orals in graduate school and the one thing I What do You do When Grief Takes Over?couldn’t have imagined, since all mothers are invincible, is that my healthy, vivacious, 83-year-old, artist mother would die.

Time stood still as the nurse put me through to her hospital room.

Only, the woman who answered (more…)