How To Work With Me
Writing and Editing Relief for Artists
When getting your point across is the point…which Writing and Editing Relief Package works best for you?
Package No. 1
Your Writing Project Has Just Begun
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Package No. 1
Your Writing Project Has Just Begun
You want to make sure you nail it right out of the gate.
You want another, experienced eye to track the structure and logic of your core concept so it stays on target for your audience.
You want to expand the ideas around your vision, not struggle to find the clearest, most compelling phrase/sentence/paragraph needed.
With this package you get:
A laser focus from me on 1) content creation and development, 2) organizational structure, and 3) the authentic authority of your own voice.
- With two hours of concept development, I will make sure your core vision is clear and accessible with sub-concepts, or story lines, that are logical and compelling.
- With two drafts of line-by-line content editing, I set up track changes in a Word docx so you decide which edits you want to keep.
- With two hours of “on demand” questions, via email or text spread out over the length of the project, you have direct contact with me until the editing is complete.
Prices depend on the stage of development and the number of pages (250 words per pg) of your writing project.
Ariane Goodwin is a passionate and proficient editor able to arrange and re-arrange my words, while interpreting my essential meaning, so they turned into an accessible book. Her magical love of language made this book a reality. —Carol A. McIntyre, I Just Want to Paint! Mixing the Colors You Want
P.S. Would you like to see a sample of my editing?
Click here to fill in your information and I’ll pop it over right away.
Package No. 2
Your Writing Project Is Wrapping Up
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Package No. 2
Your Writing Project Is Wrapping Up
You want to know that it all hangs together and your reader isn’t going to trip over a confusing phrase, awkward transition, or incomplete thought that your brain hasn’t unconsciously left something out because it knows the material so well it filled in what’s actually missing on the page.
You want those loooong hours of hard work to rock the message of your vision with unwavering clarity, accuracy, and authentic authority.
With this package you get:
My expert focus on content creation and development, organizational structure, and the authentic authority of your own voice…
- With two hours of overview consulting to make sure a) your core vision is clear and accessible, b) your structure supports the development of your core vision, and c) your sub-concepts, or story lines, are logical and compelling.
- With two drafts of line-by-line content editing set up in track changes in a Word docx so you decide which edits you want to keep.
- With two hours of “on demand” questions, via email or text spread out over the length of the project, you have direct contact with me until the editing is complete.
Prices depend on the stage of development and the number of pages (250 words per pg.) of your writing project.
Ariane can rework a phrase so it honors your unique tone of voice, while making sure the reader is never lost, confused or thrown off track. Her secret superpower is an uncanny ability to explain her content editing based on the experience your reader is going to have if you a) leave it as is, or b) accept her edits. I recommend accepting her edits. Sure made a difference for my book! — Carol A. McIntyre, I Just Want To Paint: Mixing the Colors You Want
P.S. Would you like to see a sample of my editing?
Click here to fill in your information and I’ll pop it over right away.
Package No. 3
Your Writing Project Has Stalled Out
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Package No. 3
Your Writing Project Has Stalled Out
But the core idea keeps tapping you on the shoulder, whispering in your ear, and flashing small insights when you least expect them.
And now you want to understand what’s holding you back so you can roll up your sleeves and get going again.
You want the long hours you’ve already dedicated to count for something so your original vision can move forward with unwavering clarity, accuracy, and authentic authority.
With this package you get one month of…
My expertise that comes from twenty years of coaching creative entrepreneurs, along with my eagle-editing eye that will assess what you’ve done so far.
- With two hours of coaching to find out a) where your project went off the rails, b) what is most compelling to you about your original vision, and c) how you would most like to move forward.
- With two hours of coaching to create a detailed moving forward plan.
- With two hours of “on demand” questions, via email or text spread out over one month.
- Once your project is up and running again, you have the option of Package #1 or #2 with a 25% discount.
Pricing depends on the stage of development and the number of pages (250 words per pg.) of your stalled writing project.
Ariane is a savvy editor with a keen eye for language and content. She’s spot on with grammatical corrections as well as story/plot cohesion. Most important, she never gets in the way of my writer’s voice, but helps me draw out my story telling by encouraging me to work with dynamic, clean, and clear writing. All the while she remains endlessly supportive and encouraging. –Serena Burdick, historical fiction author of Girl In the Afternoon and upcoming Harper Collin’s 2019 publication of House of Mercy
P.S. Would you like to see a sample of my editing?
Click here to fill in your information and I’ll pop it over right away.
BONUS for all packages: Even though grammar issues, punctuation errors, awkward phrasing and inconsistent language are the provenance of copy editors and proofreaders, I catch up to 97% of these mistakes while I’m editing your content and development. Let’s talk (it’s free!)