a fundamentally different approach to

Accelerate Your Art Career…

a fundamentally different approach to

Accelerate Your Art Career…

a fundamentally different approach to

Accelerate Your Art Career…

It’s chilly in my New England writing studio this afternoon, April 10, in the Year of covid-19.

Ariane Goodwin studio wood stoveGrey skies, intermittent snowflake-hail showers, tree limbs still bare and bent by the wind.  Perhaps it’s time to rev up my fake, gas-fed wood stove, minus the quintessential smell of oak drying in the basket as wood smoke snaked out of the cast-iron door no matter how quickly I tried to shut it.


Reminds me of how many times I wanted to have an Easter egg hunt with my daughters, when they were children—outdoors, colorful eggs in the green grass, behind trees, under bushes ripe with spring green, like my childhood in Big Sur, California on the Post ranch.

Only, it’s New England, and cold, often icy, or snowing, or a bitter rain… a rare year if we dared the weather gods with an outside Easter egg hunt.

And today, two days before Easter, my youngest daughter, the author Serena Burdick, brought her mother groceries from Trader Joe’s. She stood in line for two hours, so I wouldn’t have to, waiting to be one of the twenty-five they allowed into the store at a time.

Ariane Goodwin Emily Easter RideThen, another hour later, when she sailed through the living room to the bathroom (better ours than a public one), keeping her distance, wearing her mask, and spoke to me in the doorway for a few minutes before her long, 80 minute drive back home, I marveled that she was the only person I’ve seen in person, besides my husband, for three weeks now.

Like most of you, yes, I’m serious about sheltering in place, even though our local hospital is not yet overrun and still has ICU and ventilators available.

Like you, I have not yet finished my earthly, creative adventure: books a’ waiting to be written, small stone landscapes to be built, holidays to be celebrated with my five grandchildren.

 And like you, I’m looking for ways to boost my creative resilience. Not just because it supports my immune system, which all of us can use, but also because resilience is part of our creative DNA.

And that, my smARTist creative entrepreneurs, is what’s next: So, Creatives… now Your Solitude is all the rage

Ariane Goodwin Writing The Artist Statement. Writing and Editing relief for the Creative Entrepreneur.

Wishing you…
Your Truth. Your Power. Your Word..claim it! 


A Freebie for you: What Kind of Editor Do You Really Need? In the backwaters of covid19?