a fundamentally different approach to

Accelerate Your Art Career…

a fundamentally different approach to

Accelerate Your Art Career…

a fundamentally different approach to

Accelerate Your Art Career…

I’m taking  a breather after the mad rush of my Holiday Bonus, which I paired with a purchase of my book, Writing the Artist Statement: Revealing the True Spirit of Your Work.

It was a roaring success and I want to thank everyone who jumped in!

Now, my inner headlights are scanning the art career horizon for how I can best support your art career right now.

I have a couple of ideas, but what I really need is to hear from you about what you really, really need.

So, I’m crafting a short survey with questions aimed at just this: how to best support you and your art career.

If you have one or more questions you would like me to ask in this survey, please either 1)  send me an email  or 2) post a comment here on my Reflections Blog.

Remember, revealing the true spirit of your work…is the work,
even in challenging times,

Ariane Goodwin Writing The Artist Statement. Writing and Editing relief for the Creative Entrepreneur.




Your Truth. Your Power. Your Word. Claim it!

P.S. One area I’m thinking about is mindset/stumbling blocks to either your creativity, your production ability, or the business side of your career.

Another is a hands-on workshop to write your Artist Statement, and/or Art Statements for individual collections/installations/or a series.

What do you think?