When you’ve read as many truly awful artist statements as I have, it begins to dawn on you that maybe, just maybe, the problem is at the very beginning before sliding down the slippery slope of awfulness. What if accurately defining an artist statement was the first...
No more, no more, no more…
It was 2002. My book, Writing The Artist Statement: Revealing the True Spirit of Your Work had been published and I was flummoxed. How could I get it into your hands? Websites were just revving up on this new-fangled thing called the Internet, so I headed over to a...
When Technology Disappears and Your Kidney Meridians Follow Shortly Thereafter PART II
It turns out that my local Apple-approved repair shop couldn’t sell me a computer because Apple was “hoarding” their supplies. Even though I ordered three days after my computer died, Apple had an 8-week backlog. EIGHT weeks…no computer. At this point it’s late August...
When Technology Disappears and Your Kidney Meridians Follow Shortly Thereafter PART I
I have this pattern of disappearing and reappearing. You get emails from me, blog posts, a few events/products, and then I’m gone again. Is it my generation (growing up with kerosene lamps and candles, running cold water (no hot) instead of computers, cell phones and...
The Slippery Slope of Artist Statements
When you’ve read as many truly awful artist statements as I have, it begins to dawn on you that maybe, just maybe, the problem starts at the very beginning, before sliding down the slippery slope of awfulness. What if accurately defining an artist statement was the...
What do You do When Grief Takes Over?
I remember when my mother was dying. I was getting ready for my orals in graduate school and the one thing I couldn't have imagined, since all mothers are invincible, is that my healthy, vivacious, 83-year-old, artist mother would die. Time stood still as the nurse...
It’s so tempting in our hurly, burly lives to surf for silver bullets, skim the surface, and steer our hearts away from the deeper truths.
But, your creative ArtLife deserves more.
Courage, dear heart…
From writing the only book on Artist Statements to producing the only art-career conference for visual artists – smARTist – I’m deeply committed to pioneering programs that meet you on the corner of…
ArtLife &
Creative Challenge

Artist Statement
Selling Your Art
Creative Mindset
A Slice of Orange
A Pinch of Sky
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