a fundamentally different approach to

Accelerate Your Art Career…

a fundamentally different approach to

Accelerate Your Art Career…

a fundamentally different approach to

Accelerate Your Art Career…

What About That Small Grain of Sand in Your Artist’s Shoe?

What About That Small Grain of Sand in Your Artist’s Shoe?

I know, your artist-career palette is brimming over.

There are sales to consider. How to be, and stay, connected to collectors. Where to show your work. The website updates that haven’t been dealt with. The studio that needs an overhaul.

And goodness only knows, that’s just the career side of your life.

So here I come and yammer on about that small grain of sand in your artist’s shoe: artist statements.

I can only imagine that taking five minutes out of your day feels like five years.

But let me tell how much I’ve learned from those of you who took 5 minutes and completed my easy-peasy survey.

I’ve learned that some of you want to:

  • Know more about what collectors need from you
  • Feel more confident writing about your work
  • Understand why you do what you do! (Seems as if you have the what you do, and how you do it, under wraps.)
  • Identify the true spirit of your work

The irony here is that one of the mainstays of any artist’s careers are the collectors. And when you know what to write for them to become, and stay, engaged with you, that grain of sand in your shoe becomes a sun-warmed beach with aqua waters.

What do you want at this point in your art career? Now’s the time.

Come tell me what will help you get where you want to go!

Remember, revealing the true spirit of your work…is the work,

Ariane Goodwin Writing The Artist Statement. Writing and Editing relief for the Creative Entrepreneur.




Your Truth. Your Power. Your Word. Claim it!

P.S. I even give you a space in the survey to tell me anything you’d like me to know about you, your art, and your art career.

P.S.S. You have no idea about all the areas of an art career I can weave into an artist statement workshop. All I need to know is what do you need. So, come tell me!

What About That Small Grain of Sand in Your Artist’s Shoe?

Why, oh, why is writing your artist statement so hard?

I wish I knew the answer. I have a few hunches from my decades of working with artists around the globe.

But what I don’t know is what your reasons are.

If I did, then I would be able to create a live workshop based around your specific needs.

So, will you pretty please, indulge me?

I’ve designed an easy, quick survey to help me understand the best way to help you write the most compelling artist statement you can—even if you don’t like to write!

Even if you’ve convinced yourself that you don’t need one.

Even if you have written one, but aren’t sure it will get the results you want: deeper, more engaged connection with current and potential collectors.

Click Here and tell me what will help you get there.

Remember, revealing the true spirit of your work…is the work,

Ariane Goodwin Writing The Artist Statement. Writing and Editing relief for the Creative Entrepreneur.




Your Truth. Your Power. Your Word. Claim it!

P.S. I know, you may have read my book cover to cover, and still tackling that statement eludes you. I’d like to fix that. But first, I have to know more about you and your work.
Click here and tell me!

P.S.S. Here’s a thought from another artist:

Hello Ariane

I enjoyed your commentary about artists’ statements. Your tips are very useful and I hope they help some artists review or rewrite their statement. I find it interesting, though,

that many artists actually don’t want to write one. They say they don’t need a statement

because their art speaks for itself! They refuse to understand that the statement makes their art more accessible and understandable to a wider audience. I personally think it is very important. ~ Vered Galor, sculptor/photographer