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a fundamentally different approach to

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a fundamentally different approach to

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Writing and Editing Relief for Artists

When getting your point across is the point…
…which Writing and Editing Relief Package works best for you?

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Writing and Editing Relief for the Creative Entrepreneur 

Developmental editors assess the work as whole by offering insight into the foundational structure and core vision, as well as helping with content creation, organization, and the development of a writer’s authentic voice.

Substantive / Content (or “line”) editors pay attention to clarity, logic, and style. Content editors often rephrase, or rewrite, at all levels—phrases, sentences, entire paragraphs, sections, or chapters—while maintaining the author’s original intentions, ideas and authoritative voice.

Copy editors pinpoint grammar and punctuation errors, along confusing or awkward phrasing, transitions, and inconsistent language. In some cases, they offer minor rewriting.

Proofreaders work with completed manuscripts and look for formatting and grammatical errors. Proofreaders are the last line of (typo) defense before a document goes to print for web publication.

Note: When a publishing house accepts you, they appoint their own copy editors and proofreaders. However, if you are self-publishing, I recommend hiring your own copy editor and proofreader for the final draft. [/showhide]

Writing and Editing Relief for the Creative Entrepreneur 

BONUS for all packages: Even though grammar issues, punctuation errors, awkward phrasing and inconsistent language are the provenance of copy editors and proofreaders, I catch up to 80% of these mistakes while I’m editing content and development.