I suspect this question is so deeply personal that it's like a fingerprint: each of us will respond from the life conditions that have shaped each of us, and shape us still. There is strong folklore about the value of the suffering artist to her art; that dark times...
Part 2: Why the Power of Intention Gets Results
As I illuminated in Part 1, the power of intention is a simple, decades-old practice that blends the spiritual with the psychological and the practical. And then, there’s intention as a specific neurological landscape. What doesn’t get a lot of airtime is how bringing...
Part 1: Why the Power of Intention Gets Results
The power of intention is a simple, decades old practice, one that blends the spiritual with the psychological and the practical. You could also make the case that it blends the psychological with the practical and neurological…and leave the spiritual out of it. You...
Why I Spell covid-19 This Way
Words are a big deal. No matter how many times we chant―sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me―some part of us knows this is not true. True, they can‘t break bones, but that‘s because words don‘t operate in the physical dimension. Jump into...
So, creatives… now Your Solitude is all the rage
Working in your studio, writing a novel or a song, arranging a show, outlining your next article, planning your next presentation, getting a gallery meeting, detailing a business plan, making your unique mask, most of this time you are by yourself, yes? Your natural...
A covid-19 Moment In My Life
It’s chilly in my New England writing studio this afternoon, April 10, in the Year of covid-19. Grey skies, intermittent snowflake-hail showers, tree limbs still bare and bent by the wind. Perhaps it’s time to rev up my fake, gas-fed wood stove, minus the...
It’s so tempting in our hurly, burly lives to surf for silver bullets, skim the surface, and steer our hearts away from the deeper truths.
But, your creative ArtLife deserves more.
Courage, dear heart…
From writing the only book on Artist Statements to producing the only art-career conference for visual artists – smARTist – I’m deeply committed to pioneering programs that meet you on the corner of…
ArtLife &
Creative Challenge

Artist Statement
Selling Your Art
Creative Mindset
A Slice of Orange
A Pinch of Sky
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