I’ve been hinting and hinting (or you could say “stalling and stalling”) as I worked and worked at something I had up my smARTist sleeve. Seems as if—even when you think it’s going to be simple—any project worth its grain of salt takes months to pull...
What happens when you give yourself permission?
A summer thunderstorm just blew in, and out, leaving my grey deck shiny-slick with rain. The air smells fresh with the charged ions that only a wild rain can summon. And I feel as if those invisible particles are beckoning me to take any small action...
You are so much more than your art!
What on earth do I mean by “you are so much more than your art”? There’s a family story that my mother, a watercolor artist hanging with her Big Sur, bohemian crowd (think Man Ray, and the insolent Henry Miller), declared to the gaggle of male artists in...
What’s Your Why?
This week has been challenging for my why, so I got to thinking about your why. Why do we do what we do? Why do you? Why do I? I sat at my kitchen table playing solitaire (clears my mind!) and thought about how I used to think our why was baked into our personality,...
It’s Not Business as Usual
Today, while pinning up my hair after a warm shower, I was struck by the luxuriousness of this quiet, simple activity while Ukrainian women, children, and men sleep in the subways, in freezing cold underground garages, or in the cement bunkers ironically built by...
What About That Small Grain of Sand in Your Artist’s Shoe?
I know, your artist-career palette is brimming over. There are sales to consider. How to be, and stay, connected to collectors. Where to show your work. The website updates that haven’t been dealt with. The studio that needs an overhaul. And goodness only knows,...
It’s so tempting in our hurly, burly lives to surf for silver bullets, skim the surface, and steer our hearts away from the deeper truths.
But, your creative ArtLife deserves more.
Courage, dear heart…
From writing the only book on Artist Statements to producing the only art-career conference for visual artists – smARTist – I’m deeply committed to pioneering programs that meet you on the corner of…
ArtLife &
Creative Challenge

Artist Statement
Selling Your Art
Creative Mindset
A Slice of Orange
A Pinch of Sky
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